Disruption for a Day – Services for Life

The largest ever public sector strike in Northern Ireland will cause disruption and inconvenience… for a day. Austerity, cutbacks, low wages, the rundown of services and poor working conditions cause problems for a life time.

If teachers, nurses, healthcare workers, roads maintenance teams, transport staff and others don’t take the industrial action they have been forced into, then the services, and the staff, that we rely on to educate our children, treat the sick, support the elderly, maintain our infrastructure and administer our society will diminish to a level where they are no longer of viable.

Today’s industrial action by more than 170,00 workers across Northern Ireland represents a demonstration by the Trade Union  Movement to continue its struggle for a better society for all.

Without the tenacity and determination of trade unionists and working people throughout the ages we would not have an 8-hour working  day, a five-day week, paid holidays, a living  wage, social security benefits, maternity leave or equal pay legislation.

 That is the real context of today’s strike.

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